Grandma and her boys

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Update on the floods in Dubai

Again pictures which need no explanation ... This is the main Emirate Road between Sharjah and Dubai

Thankfully the sun is shining again.
This is the worse rain in the history of Dubai since records have been kept.
Now the floods have subsided in some places the clean up begins.

The really shocking realisation to thousands of people here in Dubai who have flood damage to their houses and buildings also their vehicles is that very few insurance policies cover for flood damage, as no such element has existed here in Dubai.
So all this has to be born on their own shoulders, most insurance companies are saying it is an act of God.
Some home owners are now taking legal advice...

Some car insurance companies have relented and said they will cover vehicles that were damaged while parked......but not the ones that have driven into the water.

All this is becoming very this space as they say !!!


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