Grandma and her boys

Friday, 26 March 2010

Fat Quarter swap

I belong to a Fat Quarter Birthday Swap

You are teamed up with a group of about 6 or 7 of you
and on each of the respective birthdays you send 2 Fat Quarters of Quilting fabric to that person... Well I have a birthday soon and I have begun to receive my packages.
I am being very good and although I have been tempted to peek,
I am being  strong and keeping  them for the day


boysmum2 said...

you do realise that you have just put your address on the blog and that is a no no

Shari said...

Good girl for waiting... my package is on it's way but it has to swim across... lol.

And your address is only partially visible so don't worry. Who could ever guess that town name - wow. Can't even spell it... lol.

Narelle said...

Isn't it exciting!!!
I received yours also and I've managed to keep them un-open until ... today is the day.
Stay strong. :0))