Grandma and her boys

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Christmas Spirit and all that ....

On Deb's blog she is asking for some Christmas Spirit .... I know just how she feels is going along so good and the out of the blue comes something to rock your world.... Why is it that that happens do people not like to see others happy and content ? ... after the disasters that have occurred in the last few months.
Also the personal stuff that is going on .... but we will survive and get over it. ...enough of that..

On the good news.....
My sister Penny and husband Paul arrive here from UK in 2 weeks I am so looking forward to showing them
 " Gods own Country "

Don't forget the Christmas Spirit .. bring lots we need it here .....

"Deck the Halls with boughs of holly Fla la la ... la la la la  this the season to be jolly Fla la la ... la la la la."


By Hoki Quilts said...

Laurie I truly hope that there isn't anything going on in your life that is harmful and/or hateful and if there is a speed wobble I hope it can be smoothed out real fast.

boysmum2 said...

Think they will be glad to get here. Snow in UK and hot sunshine here