Grandma and her boys

Friday, 27 January 2012

Where are they now.... and HELP

I have been buying this magazine for about 7 years now... Even when living in Dubai I ordered it from overseas and received 2 while there ... I have used a few of the patterns but always had intentions of doing more you know how it is.... I kept buying them I knew one day they would come in handy... that day has finally come.
I have joined a group to make Christmas ornaments at the rate of one a month ...or that is the object of the group... great you may say you will have lots of ornament patterns as you have  all these magazines.

WRONG!!! I have searched my sewing room  not once but three times and so far I can find two of them.   I remember lending a couple to someone ... now who ?   is the question and it was a while ago..
The likely people I have asked ..but to no avail.

So looks like I am on the hunt for magazines....

If you have a copy of  Just Cross Stitch CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS   that you can bare to part with I will be willing to buy it or them off of you and pay postage.

I have tried Just Cross Stitch for back copies ...  not available.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ohhh nooo Laurie i hope they turn up for you,sorry i dont have any of these mags actually i have never seen them before,but they look nice.xx