Here I go again apologies for my lack of posting .... my computer and I have not been together much of late, I seem to manage my emails and there it stops on the personal side ... I think this has something to do with the fact that I have also been very busy with other side of my life ... Embroidery Guild Exhibition and Rotary Inner Wheel, Family and all the other things that call for your time.
Like, I have taken on the Secretary's position for our District Inner Wheel Executive Committee so this next year will see more and more time taken out of my stitching time. But, I have passed on being the editor of the magazine to someone else so no more pressure twice a year to get it out, not that it was an onerous job ... it is just getting articles from all the clubs sometime took an awful lot of persuasion on my part. As I speak the magazine is at the printers ...Wheeee!!!
I am still on the run and will be for a couple of weeks yet then hopefully life will calm down a bit and I can hibernate for the winter and stitch and play with this infernal machine a fair amount of time, which the secretary's position will call.
So stitching .... I have managed to start another project ( can always fit in one more ) here is the start of it, this is just a preview .... not the best of pictures but you get the gist... will keep the final finished article a secrete.
So please forgive me if I am not around to much ...but I will try and get back into posting because I miss it. Although I do keep up with reading all your posts, just not doing it myself.