My Daughter's husband was on the list to have a heart op and they finally decided it would be March 10th .... then as it came close it was postponed for two weeks ... this threw the arrangements for Children and work and holidays and a friends wedding into disarray as my daughter was to be her bridesmaid... The op was carried out finally on March 24th ... all is well and I have spent a lot of time in Hamilton helping with the grand kids and anywhere else I was needed. Finally on 4th April Kathryn went to the wedding alone which was very sad but she looked lovely in the photographs ... so on the 5th April I finally came home ... now it is my time ... hopefully to get back to stitching.
I have done very little sewing since before Christmas but have done a few finishing at last ... so 3 UFO's less in the sewing room.
A sewing pouch and needle case stitching finished at least last June ...... now made up
My Trees finished ... started at a retreat last September finally now framed
My Pizzaz cushion stitched last July / August time ...... finally made up
A few new things in the pipeline and a couple of classes booked with Embroidery Guild which I am looking forward too

lovely work Laurie,
good to hear the operation went well!!
Laurie, a very busy time, and lots of travel, just not for you. Lovely to get some pieces finished, and a class to look forward to, that in itself is a real uplifter after troubled days. Hope all is well after heart surgery. Hugs. Jean.
Lovely work specially the pieces in your header photo.
Gorgeous work Laurie I have always wanted to make that sewing pocket that is in your first pic,well done.xx
Ah, I thought you were missing in action for a WHILE. I hope all is well with the Hamilton family now.
Happy stitching.
Laurie, I hope you had a wonderful birthday!
Thank you so very much for the lovely needle case I got some time ago! Carin
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