Another weekend, time seems to go by so quickly lately... nothing to do with my age , I don't think !!
So the end of another busy week and I seem to have packed in a lot to this one... and managed a bit of stitching.. see last couple of blogs for the saga will not repeat here, but just to say toes are doing great and can now get one pair of shoes on that were always a little on the large size for me.
Stitching ... have managed some of the bullion knots flowers on the Punto Antico work. After I tracked down some of the thread, Thank you Ribbon Rose for the prompt attention and posting to me.
On Friday I recieved this lovely parcel from Sandy she had 3 lovely give aways on her blog and I signed up and won one of them... I was so thrilled, and here are my items
Two lovely patterns ... a needle case and a bag that you use the "Shrinking Stuff" on... I have never tried this so now have no excuse. A lovely Moda Park Avenue pack in soft muted colour just right for the hexagon quilt that is in progress...a nailfile that is covered in pictures of thread reels so neat, and finally a Pigma pen so so useful. Thank you so much Sandy. Don't you just love the Postie when he calls.
Many years ago in Europe people used to have "At Home" where they woud let every one know they were at home on a certain day and would love for you to call and take tea.... So I decided to have one here in New Zealand where it is called " Afternoon Tea"
so I am at home on Sunday 1st Aug. 2.30pm on wards if you are around please drop by and say Hi... all are welcome.
On Friday I recieved this lovely parcel from Sandy she had 3 lovely give aways on her blog and I signed up and won one of them... I was so thrilled, and here are my items
Two lovely patterns ... a needle case and a bag that you use the "Shrinking Stuff" on... I have never tried this so now have no excuse. A lovely Moda Park Avenue pack in soft muted colour just right for the hexagon quilt that is in progress...a nailfile that is covered in pictures of thread reels so neat, and finally a Pigma pen so so useful. Thank you so much Sandy. Don't you just love the Postie when he calls.
Many years ago in Europe people used to have "At Home" where they woud let every one know they were at home on a certain day and would love for you to call and take tea.... So I decided to have one here in New Zealand where it is called " Afternoon Tea"
so I am at home on Sunday 1st Aug. 2.30pm on wards if you are around please drop by and say Hi... all are welcome.
Hi Laurie
Afternoon Tea - what a lovely idea. Just a pity we live so far away so we can not pop in. Perhaps later when we are on our caravan travels and come up your way?
Do let us know how many ladies pop in!
Glad the Toe is improving. Your stitching is looking fabulous!
Sorry it is too wet to come over for a cuppa.
Your afternoon tea 'date' reminded me of the days (not really so long ago) when we used to go for a 'drive' on a Sunday afternoon and pop in to friends for a cuppa - usually unannounced - we'd stay for a while and chat then head off home again - other times, friends would reciprocate - it just doesn't happen these days. We've become too insular - hardly even know who our neighbours are. Blessings Laurie!
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