Grandma and her boys

Monday, 27 December 2010

Just when you thought it could get no worse .....

Is this not a cute picture I have no idea why I have it in my file or where it came from... but I send it to all you lovely people who have sent me good wishes during the last week

So an update ... I am feeling a million times better ... coughing non stop and have swallowed half the Antibugs so far, another week to go... they better be good as they make me feel like  **&^$%  !! but I am determined to finish them ...  have to bang this on the head hard to speak.

So what has gone wrong ...

My visitors decided while shopping yesterday that they would treat us to ice cream, so we duly bought a tub of  Frozen Yogurt ( healthier they say) which was put straight into the chest freezer on returning home. When we went to retrieve it sometime later it was so so soft .. on inspection of freezer it was found to be kaput. Checked everything like power, plug etc.  nothing was amiss so the freezer has died, a quick call to the Son's phone and then a dash to his house with meat etc from freezer that luckily was still frozen.
So looks like my trip to the sales will be for a new freezer in New Year.

On a good note Son and family went shopping yesterday also and bought me some Solar Lights for the veranda, I remember talking about them to Claire but the lovely thing was she remembered and when she saw them at the sales ... purchased some for me ... thank you so much.


By Hoki Quilts said...

Oh bugger!!! There really is nothing else to be said is there? A good job that your son is close enough though.
Hope things pick up real quick xx

Isabella said...

OH no Laurie what a rotten time for that to happen, nice of your D/L to get you the lights soo glad you still have your guests hope things pick up and you get to have some fun with them at last