Grandma and her boys

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Catch up time

Good day everyone had a few messages "where are you "

Well here I am,  been very busy with personal stuff .. which is now all settled and now it is time for me to move on with my life .. even get back to normal with hobbies and things with no distractions.... I might even get into some quilting again...have been doing embroidery more during the last few months as it was easier to pick up and put down.

This last weekend I was in sunny Napier for a District Meeting for Inner Wheel
where I presented my 6 monthly newsletter for distribution, so that is wrapped up for a few  months before I start on the June 2012 one... I was very pleased with it ... all 16 pages.

This week I have treated myself to a new quilt for my bed ... the bit I have to admit to,  is it is a purchased one ... but it is so nicely done with embroidery around the boarder as well.

the really best part of it was it was on sale at almost 50% off, probably would not have bought it at full price ... I would have admitted I could have made it myself ... but Oh! what the heck I liked it so here it is on the bed .. perfect!

I have visited with my Daughter and family, looked after grandkids, driven my friend to see her sister(84 yrs) who was taken to hospital an hour or so away from here ... she does not drive at night so I was the driver.  Have actually managed some housework  and remembered to feed the cat.

so hopefully now my feet are back on the floor and can get back to normal life ...what ever that may be.

My heart goes out to everyone in Christchurch after the day and night of bad earth quakes ... I believe there has been 2 large and 15 shakes over night  .. please just hold on tight, if you need a break you are welcome here in Rotorua at any time.

Now I am off to sort out some stitching to do .. really should get into the garden but stitching sounds better to me, might even make myself a really nice coffee and have some ginger nuts my favorite. Ummmm!

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