Grandma and her boys

Monday, 8 November 2010

An Op Shop

This week has seen the opening of a new St Barnabas Opportunity Shop in the village... ( local church )
This has been an incentive to me .. I have spent all day going through my wardrobe and 2 large rubbish sacks of stuff has now been delivered to the shop ... it was great as it is so close I could uplift the sacks and deliver straight away so no time to think twice and delve in and retrieve stuff.
I also came away buying nothing  .. hows that for strength. I did look at the books but did not have the time to browse for I will drop in again sometime.

1 comment:

Bee Jay said...

Good for you Laurie. I too have been sorting out recently and last week delivered to my fav op shop. Good to clear out occasionally.