Grandma and her boys

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Just had to show you this !!

I go to a stitching group on a Tuesday and we had a new lady start today ....  June,  she bought a couple of items to show us .... here is one , how the heck did she stitch that it is all hand done (there is not a machine small enough to do the stitching)  he has moving arms and legs plus his head turns, Oh! by the way I have very small hands.


Ali Honey said...

Some ladies in our group made wee tiny teddies like that. A lady called Rayna Shone taught them. She was in Tauranga for a while now lives in Reporoa I think.
She taught tiny teddies internationally.

Bee Jay said...

Very cute Laurie! I made a tiny ted a number of years ago but a little larger than that little fellow however I'd never attempt it again. The stuffing was the hardest part!

Isabella said...

that is just too cute