The deck at my house which is large to say the least ... was covered in Alge thick black stuff it has gotten worse over the last 4 yrs ... finally after copious amounts of remedies from neat bleach .. washing powder, liquid soap and commercial bottles of this and that it seemed impossible to move it or even clean it off to look any better ...
So I finally decided it was drastic action.. so I purchased a "Water Blaster" or a power hose as it is better known as ... it worked it took every thing off the deck until it was naked.
So then I had to restain it ... the deck is approx 25 yrs old so not in the best of state but still sound.
So off to Bunnings for stain ... why doese there have to be so many different brands, different types oil based, water based. Every colour from no colour through to dark green ... after great deliberation I chose one ... just one step up from natural for a unstained pine deck. Which they assured me from the sample on the wall would look just like that !! OH YEAH!!!!
So tell me why is the deck now an Orange colour ... I am just keeping my fingers crossed that it fades "toot sweet" and even quicker.
Mind it does not look to bad and my be I will get used to it given time, I think the problem is it was silver grey before. But the good thing is it has not got the black alge which has to be a bonus.
Yesterday was the perfect day for staining no wind and not to hot and I had had enough when I finally packed it in ... may be because I was not feeling 100% in fact thinking on it I should not have started it yesterday ... so I had a bath and some paracetamol and retired very early.. with the idea of finishing it off today just some small areas with a brush and guess what ?????
The pictures were taken this morning and it looks even darker as it is wet.